Chris Farley once said, “In the land of the skunks, he who has half a nose is king”. The sense of smell is a very underrated sense. We all love to see what we are doing, touch things, and taste our delicious food. But the sense of smell is one that has scientific links to being the sense that triggers our memory the most. With that being said, why not stand out and be the person that is always remembered as the guy that smells amazing, like a true king?
Many men treat cologne like buying an everyday toiletry, not much thought and just stick with what has worked for them for the longest. Some are even still stuck on axe body spray. However, let’s be honest, cologne can either take a girls breath away or make her run away. Think of cologne as the final touch on your outfit. It can be just as important as whatever shoes you have on, or if your tie goes with your outfit. Don’t be that guy that buys the generic cologne and puts on a ton of it just to turn people away.
Before we dive into which colognes work the best, it is important to learn the differences in cologne. There are aquatic colognes (think fresh, soapy smelling, the beach), woody colognes (think earth tone, forest and nature) citrus (think fruity), spicy (think warm and exotic) and a host of others. Learning what type works for you is key. Cologne should fit your personality. If you are an in your face, everyone knows you’re in the room type of person, you should get a cologne that matches. At the same time if you are more laid back, smooth, and chill, there are colognes that will fit you perfectly as well.
Once you learn which types work for you, you can play around with them a bit more. Colognes can be categorized by season, situation, mood, time of day, etc. However, most men just want to buy something ladies will like and leave it at that, which is not really a bad thing. At the end of the day a majority of men just want to hear women say those magic words, “oh you smell nice!” With that being said let me give you my top five colognes for beginners, in no particular order;
Warning with this, please go easy on the sprays. This is very LOUD cologne but a beautiful one. A very versatile lavender and orange scent, people will smell you coming and you will leave a lasting impression. If you don’t drown people out they will appreciate this great scent. This cologne has lasted decades without changing for a reason.
My current favorite fragrance so I am a little biased. An extremely smooth and exotic scent, it is perfect for a date. Want to make a great impression on a first date, wear this one. When I first got into colognes this one was specifically suggested to be by a female friend and that should be a good enough indicator right there.
Honorable Mentions:
Guilty by Gucci
London for Men by Burberry
One Million by Paco Rabbane
The next time you are in Macy’s or Bloomingdales, give these scents a try. Don’t be afraid to smell around or ask for a suggestion. Look for what fits your personality so that you can have a true king like aura. You smell me?
By K B
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